represented in the Mosaic (formerly Great Plains) Organic Acids Test, or similar tests by Genova
are represented in reference to the average ranges for data obtained by these
laboratories. The data is normalized and an arbitrary range that covers 90% of
the data is assigned a normal value. The value, though, does not represent
clinical normality, it represents the ranges that are normally seen in the
laboratory. The ranges are also not ranges that are assigned to any particular
condition, such as "normal for a person with autism", or "normal for a person
with diabetes", or "normal for a person with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome". Further,
the ranges that these laboratories measure are most likely the ranges for
persons who have some sort of medical condition that warrants the expense that
is involved in testing. As such, the ranges, almost by definition. do not
include persons who are biochemically normal. In order to get biochemically
normal data, it is essential that data be obtained from persons who are healthy,
who have no predisposing condition, eat a well balanced diet, and are of normal
weight. Hence data should represent Optimal, Desirable, Average, and Deficient.
Pathology labs, though represent data as part of a "normal distribution", rather
than Optimal or Desirable, and so generally Average and Deficient are more
likely to fit into the "normal distribution", as these are generally those who
are being tested.
Whilst the comments on Interpretation of OAT data, is inherently obvious, it
does not appear to be in general parlance, thus, the majority of Physicians are
"trapped" into using the ranges as defined by GPL and other labs, as being
normal, hence many conditions with abnormal biochemistry are missed, and the
date dismissed as being "normal". However, for many of the ranges as represented
in the OAT, biochemically normal data is out of range low.
Determination of iron sufficiency by Pathology Laboratories would be one of THE
classic "Physicians Traps". This can be readily seen when one looks at ranges
for ferritin in different communities. Thus, the average male vegetarian has a
serum ferritin range of 30-75 ug/L, with the average female vegetarian with a
range 11-35 ug/L. Most pathology labs will not flag iron deficiency until
ferritin levels are 12-15 ug/L. This though is in distinct contrast to
biochemical normality. Here it can be seen that biochemical signs of iron
deficiency start at 60-70 ug/L, when the enzyme aconitase starts to uncouple and
becomes an iron sensing molecule. At this stage the energy entering Krebs cycle
is compromised and there is a linear increase in "waste" citrate, which
parallels the linear decrease in mini mental score estimation as ferritin drops
below 60. Clearly then, these ranges whilst "Typical" for vegans, are not
biochemically normal. Similar ferritin levels are found on Lacto-ovo
vegetarians, however, the average ferritin for meat eaters is in the range
100-200 ug/L. Measurement of aconitase activity in this range shows 100%
activity, and further there is no reduction in serum haemoglobin or cellular
haematocrit. In contrast, there is a drop in haemoglobulin from the normal range
of 14.6 - 16.0, to an oxygen carrying deficiency of 10.9 to 12.5 in the vegan
population. Hence, whilst these ranges may be deemed "Normal" by pathology
laboratories, they are by no means biochemically normal. Curiously, the
biological consequences of low ferritin are not discussed in communities such as
the vegan communities, however terminology such as "normal for a vegan" is
common. Hence we have the concept of a "Normal Range of ferritin for a
Vegetarian male (30-75 ug/L) and a vegetarian female 11-35 ug/L, BUT, neither of
these ranges represent biochemical normality. This is part of the physician's
trap. Hence if the medical profession does not know what biochemical normality
is, then even simple assessments such as the biochemically normal range for iron
will be lost on the physician. To make this worse, the physician is "ruled" by
their local medical association, and so is not able to "Think outside the box"
on these matters but is forced to Toe-the-line, as far as assessment. This means
that a person deemed to be sufficient in one country can be totally deficient in
Representative measured ranges for ferritin
Sydney Australia 30-400 ug/L - Laverty's Pathology Gold
Coast 30-200 ug/L Melbourne Australia 20-200 ug/L
UK 13-200 ug/L
Ferndale WA, USA 6-170 ug/L 15-150 ug/L Labcorp
Sacramento CA, USA 14-80 ug/L
Canada 12-70 ug/L This various from state to state Ontario 12-100 ug/L
Bulgaria 14-150 ug/L
Poland mean 34.8 (Range 2.7- 135.2) female athletes;
Malczewska-Lenczowska etal, 2018) As
can be seen even within the USA the ranges vary from state to state, with a big
variation from country to country. Similarly in Australia. Clearly, these ranges, represent the average
ranges for the populations measured. technically biochemical deficiency in iron
can be seen in the bone marrow when ferritin is less than 100 ug/L and elevations
in citrate occur when ferritin is less than 60. Under the guidelines in
Sacramento and Canada, everyone is biochemically deficient in iron. Ranges
for Haemoglobin are also highly variable from place to place and day to
day even from the same lab. Sydney
Australia 130-180; 115- 165; Melbourne Australia
120-160 ug/L
USA 11.1-15.9, NJ 10.9-14.8
Ontario Canada 112-141
Bulgaria 110-147
Mean 135 (Range 116-134 female athletes;
Malczewska-Lenczowska etal, 2018) As too
Australia 0.4 -0.54; 0.34 - 0.47 Melbourne
Australia 0.29-0.4
VA USA 0.34 - 0,466 NJ 0.32 - 0,433
Ontario Canada 0.343 - 0.426
Bulgaria 0.31- 0.41
40.3 (Range 34.7 -- 45.3 female athletes;
Malczewska-Lenczowska etal, 2018)
Apart from the reduction in the activity of the Krebs cycle enzyme aconitase as
ferritin drops below 60-70 ug/L, evidence of clinical abnormality of ferritin
levels below 75 is seen in the increased incidence of Restless Leg Syndrome
(Allen etal, 2018, Dye etal, 2017), and an increased risk of acute renal failure
after cardiopulmonary bypass is seen in patients with ferritin levels below 130
ug/L (Davis etal, 1999). Reduced aconitase activity can be determined from the
OAT value for citric acid. Biochemical normality is around 100, however
exceedingly high values are seen in many children with ASD. The higher the value
for citrate the lower the activity of aconitase, and the lower the mini mental
score estimation see
Haemoglobin is one of the standard measurements of iron sufficiency, and as iron
levels drop, so too does Haemoglobin. In iron sufficiency, Haemoglobin is 14.5
mg, yet the majority of Pathology Labs either do not include this in the
"normal" range of Hb See above. Hence the majority of data measured by
this lab is technically iron deficient. A typical example according to Dynacare
There are four markers that should agree with each other, in
order to make a proper diagnosis of iron sufficiency.
1. Haemoglobin. Sufficiency of iron is seen when Hb levels are
greater than 144 g/L (14.5 g/dl). Levels can be above this in those who live in
a high altitude. Once Hb levels drop below 14.5 iron insufficiency results.
Given that Hb is responsible for carrying oxygen, insufficiency in O2 max will
occur as Hb drops, this is despite sex, male or female.
2. Haematocrit. Sufficiency of iron is seen when Hct levels are
greater than 0.45 (45%). Normally this tracks very closely with Hb
3. Ferritin. Sufficiency of ferritin starts when ferritin is
above 100 ug/L (100 ng/ml). As levels drop below 100 changes can be seen in the
bone marrow, suggesting biochemical deficiency. In the OAT changes can be seen
to the level of citrate when ferritin drops below 60 ug/L, readily demonstrating
biochemical insufficiency.
4. Citrate. Citrate is the substrate for the iron-sulphur enzyme,
aconitase. When ferritin drops below 70, then enzyme starts to uncouple and so
less citrate is metabolized leading to an increase in citrate. This increase
represents biochemical insufficiency of iron, but it also indicates an
inefficiency of energy metabolism, such that the higher the value the greater
the energy loss. One could think of this as an indication of how well the body
has "tuned" the citric acid cycle. Iron insufficiency can therefore be suspected
when citrate rises above 150 in OAT.
IF the markers do not agree, then there is a problem. Hence in a
prolonged COVID infection, ferritin in serum rises dramatically, but Hb/Hct/citrate
all rise, hence in this case iron deficiency is seen in synthesis of Hb/Hct and
in the activity of aconitase.
Another area of concern is the definition of hypothyroidism as determined by
pathology labs. Data for euthyroid in many labs states a range of 0.39 to 4.6
mIU/L. This, though varies from lab to labComparison with OAT data though, shows that hypothyroidism as defined by
elevation in appropriate organic acids - and particularly glutaric acid, seems
to start at a range above 1.4 mIU/L.
Serum vitamin B12 is almost useless as a marker, unless it is low, in which case
it indicates an absolute deficiency. This should be mirrored by markers of iron
deficiency (Hb/Hct/ferritin). If serum B12 is high, and yet iron markers are
low, then this is "suspicious" and further investigation is warranted. The
elevated serum B12 (>450 pmol/L) is generally indicative of paradoxical B12
deficiency, BUT, lower values can also be indicative of this, hence secondary
markers are required. Once again, ranges for serum B12 vary depending upon where
they are taken. Once again, the values are highly variable even within labs.
Sydney, NSW Australia 300-700 pmol/L Lafertties - Feb, 2022 Sydney
NSW Australia 160-740 Laferties May, 2024 Dubai
300-1200 pmol/L
Bulgaria 133-675 pmol/L
Portugal 196-675 pmol/L Active
B12 measurements are extremely confusing and are not at all understood by the
physician. Hence "Active B12" technically means the amount of transcobalamin
that has some analogue of B12 bound to it. The analogue could be Adenosyl,
Methyl, hydroxyl, cyano, Co(II), Co(I) or GSH, or any one of over 50 vitamin B12
analogues of which only Adenosyl and Methyl are biologically active. This is not
understood by the clinician and the test should be scrapped.
MMA (methylmalonic acid) is one of the main determinants of Adenosyl B12
deficiency outlined in the OAT. As AdenosylB12 deficiency increases, so too does
the level of MMA. Hence by definition in a vitamin B12 replete person MMA should
be as low as possible.
Ranges in OAT have been established as
Normal 0.55 +/- 0.15: Autism 2.1 +/-
1.4: CFS 1.33 +/- 0.89; GPL < 5.2, range 1.0 - 4.0
In this example one can see that "normal B12 sufficient" persons
sit outside the entire supposedly normal range for MMA, and that all persons
with CFS and ASD would have been judged as normal, according to GPL. The reality
is, though, that all persons with autism and CFS are B12 deficient, by this and
many other markers. As such under the "Physician's Trap" scenario, neither group
would be treated with vitamin B12, nor the cause of their conditions assigned to
B12 deficiency.
A feature of Paradoxical B12 deficiency is elevated B12 levels in
serum. The incidence of Paradoxical B12 is so frequent the the "normal range"
measures by Pathology laboratories has greatly distorted the range for serum
B12, hence OAT markers such as MMA and other B12 deficiency markers, such as HVA/VMA,
QA, KA, and 5HIAA, and pyroglutamate (a product from deficiencies in the
sulphation pathway) must be used to establish normality. A typical example
according to Dynacare Plus. Paradoxical B12 deficiency is particularly common in
ASD, CFS, PD and AD. Examples can be seen at and in the
publication on vitamin B12 deficiency in
autism. Normal ranges are
to be found in the publication.
We have created a link
to an excel spreadsheet in which one can insert data such as OAT, Hb, Hct, TSH,
etc and obtain a read-out on insufficiency. Data has been obtained from over
2000 individuals and relative values plotted against various markers. See
One commonly used marker in the OAT is the level of glutaric acid, with increasing levels of
glutaric acid being indicative of functional B2 deficiency, as such the lower the
glutaric acid marker the greater the amount of functional B2. Increased glutaric
acid is indicative of functional B2 deficiency and a reduced ability to burn fat
for energy.
Ranges in OAT have been established as
Normal 0.27 +/- 0.24: Autism 1.25 +/-
Functional B2 deficiency can be seen in the OAT, by elevations in
adipic acid, oxalic acid, lactic acid, succinic acid, and other markers. See Examples can
be seen in the publication on vitamin B2 deficiency in
Activation of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) occurs in two steps.
Step 1. Phosphorylation of riboflavin to form flavin-mononucleotide
(FMN). This step requires adequate Iodine and Selenium. Lack of Iodine and/or
Selenium can be determined by the increase in succinic acid (>3.5) and increase
in the QA:KA ratio (see the article on vitamin B12.
Step 2. Riboflavin kinase (a molybdopterin enzyme) converts FMN
to FAD. If glutaric acid levels are low, and succinate <3.5 and QA:KA <3.0, yet
other B2 deficiency markers are elevated, Molybdenum deficiency is likely In
Australia tests can be ordered from The
last step in closing the porphyrin ring during the synthesis of the heme
,molecule involves an FAD-dependent enzyme, (TBA), which reduces protoporphyrin
IX . In functional B2 deficiency the ring cannot be closed, and the sequestered
iron precipitates, and incomplete porphyrin ring, leading to porphyria. In the
UK there is an EGRA test for functional B2.
Two commonly assessed markers in the HMTA are the levels of Selenium (essential
for conversion of T4 to T3) and Molybdenum (essential for the conversion of FMN
to FAD - two active forms of vitamin B2). Over time, soils in many parts of the
world have become more and more depleted in Selenium and Molybdenum, with the
result that the "normal ranges" for these two metals has been slowly reducing.
Formerly the range for Selenium was 0.7 - 1.1, however this has drifted slightly
lower to 0.55 - 1.1. Around 50% of children with autism have HMTA of <0.7.
Similarly, there has been a shift in Molybdenum ranges, which is more dramatic.
Formerly the range was 0.05 - 0.13, however, over the last 5 years, there has
been a dramatic drop in Molybdenum levels, such that the range has now moved to
0.02 - 0.05. Around 75% of children with autism have Molybdenum that is <0.05.
The shift away from dairy products and the consumption of alternatives such as
soy and almond drinks has also resulted in an alarming drop in the ranges for
calcium, which 10 years or so ago were 300-1200 ppm, but in many areas the range
is now as low as 125- 350 ppm. Whilst it is generally
assumed that the ranges in assays such as the OAT would be very constant, and so
the definitions of normality would be the same from day to day, this is
definitely not the case. See the two OAT examples below. In the upper example
the range for HVA is 0.49-13, and the data point "3.0" is out of range low (as
per the graph). In the lower example, the range for HVA is 0.39 - 2.2, and the
data point "2.2" is in the upper range of "normal". So depending upon the day of
assessment, a person could be out of range high or low (3.0), or in range (2.2).
Clearly this is ludicrous, BUT, it is very, very common in the data from
Pathology Labs.
By definition the
urinary Organic Acids Test represents the measurement of excretory organic
acids, many of which represent ingested calories, that have been processed in
the body in an attempt to generate energy from them, and due to nutritional
deficiency are wasted/excreted into urine. Examples of energy loss are
elevations in oxalate, glycolate, lactate, and citrate. As such the higher the
values for these markers the greater the energy loss. Data from pathology
labs appears to be reliably accurate, however the ranges that are defined are
determined by the clients getting the analysis done and as such do not represent
metabolically normal ranges. As such, it is important to have data from
metabolically normal individuals in order to ascertain abnormal values. The data
from the assays, can though be used to monitor change, and once metabolic
normality has been defined is very useful in establishing supplement regimes.
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Nutrients. 2018 Jan 31;10(2):167. doi: 10.3390/nu10020167. PMID: 29385099; PMCID:
Copyright © 2018 B12 Oils. All Rights Reserved.
Interpretation of OAT data
Physician's Trap
of iron sufficiency
Serum vitamin B12
Paradoxical vitamin B12 deficiency
Evaluation of OAT data
Functional vitamin B2 deficiency and Glutaric acid
Testing TSH/T4/T3
Functional vitamin B2 deficiency and Porphyria
"Normality" - HMTA example
Variability in OAT analysis
Energy loss in OAT
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Waldmann A, Koschizke JW, Leitzmann C, Hahn A. Dietary iron intake and iron
status of German female vegans: results of the German vegan study. Ann Nutr
Metab. 2004;48(2):103-8. Epub 2004 Feb 25.
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