Iron deficiency is the most prevalent micronutrient
deficiency in the world, affecting about 2 billion people, particularly mothers
and children Iron
deficiency is the primary cause of anaemia,
affecting roughly one-quarter of the world's population. Iron
deficiency is the second most preventable cause of mental retardation in the
world. Iron
deficiency during pregnancy leads to iron deficiency in the neonate
Biochemical iron deficiency is extremely common in pre-menopausal women Iron
deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk for preterm labour, low birth
weight and increased infant mortality. Iron
deficiency in children is associated with developmental delay and behavioural
disorders Iron
deficiency in children is associated with lower verbal intelligence, attention
and concept learning iron
deficiency has been associated with lower vitamin D status More
than 80% of children with ASD have been found to be iron deficient at time of
assessment Iron
deficiency has been associated with epilepsy in ASD Iron
deficiency is associated with hypotonia and is a Red
Flag for developmental delay
The maternal decision to carry a child to term creates a beneficence-based
fiduciary obligation on the part of the mother (and
physician) to act in the best interest of the unborn child, and to sacrificially
care for and nurture that child, There can be no doubt that this extends to
ensuring nutritional sufficiency of the child in its early life. (Centre
for Bioethics).
In order for mother to do this, the mother must ensure that she is nutritionally
sufficient before conception of the child.
Iron loading of the brain, occurs predominantly in the last trimester of foetal
growth. The brain is highly susceptible to iron
deficiency during the late foetal and early neonatal time period. Deficiency at
this time is associated with altered expression of genes critical for
development and function, and deficiency at this time causes neurocognitive
dysfunction, impaired cognition, and altered social behaviour, reduced synaptic
plasticity, myelination and synthesis of neurotransmitters, which may continue even after iron stores have become replete
(Ferrierr etal, 2019;
Georgieff et
al, 2019). Iron
deficiency in the mothers results in decreased oxygen transport, which decreases
as the haematocrit and haemoglobulin concentration of the mother's blood
decreases. This is then further exacerbated by reduced iron in the foetus,
leading to further reduction in oxygen transport across the placenta and reduced
availability of oxygen to the developing foetus due to reductions in foetal
haemoglobin and foetal haematocrit. Iron deficiency has been associated with poorer voice
recognition in the neonate, and whilst infants with iron sufficiency can be shown electrophysiologically to recognize their mother's voice, children with fetal-neonatal iron deficiency did not. This was associated with poorer auditory
recognition memory at 2 months of age and is consistent with effects of iron
deficiency on the developing hippocampus in the brain. Iron deficiency
in utero affects the development of cerebellar Purkinje cells, specific neurons involved in fine-tuned
motor control, balance, proprioception, and the vestibular-ocular reflex (VOR),
a reflex essential in eye-tracking of an object when the head is moved. Several
reports have indicated that there are 35-95% fewer Purkinje cells in the
cerebrum of ASD brains in comparison to neurotypically normal brains. Damage to
this area of the brain has been associated with a range of conditions including
ataxia, intention tremors, stiff or high stepping gait, lack of awareness of
foot position and a general inability to judge distance and space. Reduced VOR
has implications for reading and focusing and as such causes problems in
focusing and reading of fine print. Iron deficiency has been associated with lower production of
brain-derived neurotrophic factor, an important factor involved in the
development of learning, memory and behaviour (Yusrawati etal, 2018) Decreased iron concentration in the brain is associated with
irritability, apathy reduced ability to concentrate and with various other
deficiencies in cognition. Iron deficiency in the brain is also associated with
deficit in language capability. In addition, Iron deficiency is associated with hypomyelination of nerves, thus reducing the maturation of rapid impulse
transmission along nerves. Iron deficiency
also correlates with a decreased nerve conduction velocity (Kabakus etal, 2002),
and reduced energy production in Krebs cycle, with the result that decreases in
iron are associated with decreased mini mental score a measure of IQ (Mangialasche etal,
2015). Despite the known risks of iron deficiency in utero, a recent study in
Europe (Milman et al, 2017) revealed that only 20-35% of European women of
reproductive age had sufficient iron stores (SF concentration >70 ug/L) to go
through pregnancy without supplementing iron. The mean serum ferritin in women
in the study was only 26-38 ug/L. Given that it is known how critical iron
sufficiency is for the developing embryo and neonate, it beggars the question
that if as a result of this iron deficiency, the mother gives birth to a child
with developmental delay, why should society subsidize these children through
systems such as the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Australia and United
Kingdom), the Social Security Disability (USA) or the Child Disability Benefit
Despite the huge economic costs of iron deficiency and its effect on the embryo
and new born child,
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force found insufficient evidence to recommend
screening or treating pregnant women for iron deficiency anemia to improve
maternal or neonatal outcomes. “
(Wang 2016).
Iron deficiency is very common in pregnancies (40-50% as determined by IDA),
however, not all iron mothers with ID have children with ASD. Further the
difference in iron levels in the serum of kids +/- ASD is very little. Low iron
intake, when combined with advanced age of the mothers, resulted in a five-fold
increased risk of having an ASD child (Schmidt 2014).
Brain accumulation of iron appears to happen primarily in utero, and uptake of
iron into the brain, post weaning, is limited (63). It is critical that the developing foetus receives
sufficient iron for neuronal development in the brain and that there is sufficient iron for the neonate to have
adequate stores to last for the first six months of life. This is because the
immature neonatal gut is not developmentally mature and as such cannot regulate the
uptake of iron (Radlowsky and Johnson 2013), and additionally breast milk is very low in
iron content. Maturation of the gut will be further compromised if the mother is
vitamin B12 deficient as melatonin production is reduced in B12 deficiency and
melatonin secreted by the mammary gland is required for
gut maturation. The majority of the fetal liver stores (66%) are acquired in the
last one-third of pregnancy and so infants born prematurely with a low birth
weight are at greater risk of iron deficiency. Infants who are born to iron
deficient mothers are still found to be abnormally low in iron 9 months after
birth, even if provided adequate dietary iron (Radlowsky and Johnson 2013). Iron
deficiency at this time creates other problems as iron is preferentially used
for production of haemoglobin, and in iron deficiency, iron is sequestered for
the production of hemoglobin and so non-heme tissues such as skeletal muscle,
the heart and the brain will become iron deficient a long time before overt
anaemia is obvious (Rao and Georgieff, 2002). Once born,
infant brain iron levels decrease in the first 6 months of life, which roughly
equates to the onset of myelination. The most sensitive period (and hence the
period that can cause the most irreversible damage) is the period between 0 and
24 months of age. Iron deficiency in this period is correlated with poor auditory
recognition memory, delayed cognitive development and poor response to external
stimuli. During pregnancy the mother sacrificially loads up
the foetus with the result that many women can become iron deficient during
pregnancy. Children born to mothers with low serum ferritin tend to have low
serum ferritin as well, and that there is a positive correlation between
maternal serum ferritin and the resultant iron reserves in the children (Gaspar etal, 1993; Jaime-Perez etal, 2005; Shao etal, 2012; Lee et
al, 2016). Iron loading of the foetus occurs progressively during foetal
development and depends upon gestational age, and also the iron levels of the
mother, hence the shorter the pregnancy and the lower the iron in the mother,
the lower the iron in the foetus.
From Siddappa etal,
2007 Iron deficiency is
associated with lower activity of an important enzyme, aconitase and in the
elderly low aconitase activity is associated with lower mini mental score
MMSE score against
the activity of the enzyme aconitase (Figure. Data from Mangialasche etal,2015)
Reduced iron deficiency, particularly when coupled with vitamin B12 deficiency
is associated with lower activity of the Krebs cycle enzyme, Aconitase, which in
turn results in lower energy entering Krebs cycle, higher urinary citrate, and
lower Mini Mental score. Lower aconitase activity has been found in the
cerebellum and Brodman areas of the brains in those with autism.
Reduced Aconitase activity in the cerebellum and Brodman area of the brain in
control and those with autism (Fig from Rose etal, 2012)
Iron deficiency is the second most preventable cause of delayed development (Domellöf
2013; Berglund and Domellöf, 2014;Wiegersma etal, 2019), and globally
25% of children have Iron Deficiency (Domellöf 2013). It
has been known for some time that the level of iron in the brains of
autistic children is much lower than in normal individuals (Bener 2017; Latif
etal, 2002,; Drosman etal, 2006, 2007, Heuguner etal, 2012; Reynolds etal, 2012;
Youssef etal, 2013; Sidrak etal, 2014). Iron
deficiency was associated with lower haemoglobin, haematocrit, and MCV values (Gunes
2017), with a negative correlation between lower haematocrit levels and degree
of symptomatology (Sidra 2014). Iron deficiency in neonates has also been
associated with poor emotional outcomes (Kim, 2014;
2004), recognition memory (Geng 2015),
poor neural maturation (Armin 2010;
2015; Armony-Sivan 2004). Iron is
essential for learning and memory, and both the cholinergic and glutamatergic
neurotransmission pathways are regulated by iron, and play a huge role in memory
performance (Han 2015; Rodlowski and Johnson, 2013) and in the production of myelin by
myelin-producing oligodendrocytes (Rosato-Siri
2017; Roth 2016). It is recommended
that in order to maximize iron levels in the new-born that clamping of the chord
is delayed (Mercer etal, 2018).
For many years, it was thought that iron was solely involved as part of the
structure of the heme molecule such as in the structure in hemoglobin. More
recently it has been recognized as an important factor in the activity of iron sulphur proteins, such as aconitase, succinate dehydrogenase, and more recently
gamma-aminobutyrate amino transferase (GABA-AT) and lipoate synthase. Iron
is critical for myelination of nerve cells, and lack of myelination causes
slower neuronal conduction, abnormal reflexes in children, and deficits in
auditory and visual function ( Iron has a critical role in the formation of the
myelin sheath around neurons, and iron deficiency in mothers has shown a higher
incidence of conditions such as ASD, and has also been associated with
irreversible alterations in myelin (65). Iron deficiency in the brain precedes the signs of iron deficiency in RBC production. Serum ferritin levels below 76 ug/L are associated with
abnormalities in neonatal recognition memory, and neuronal processing (66-71). Further, a recent study has
shown that lower iron levels (as judged by serum ferritin) are associated with
decreased brain activity and lower energy expenditure, as well as a reduced
heart rate (31).
Iron is known to be critical in neurodevelopment, and fetal iron deficiency has
been shown to result in acute brain dysfunction, with long-lasting abnormalities
even after repletion (72-77).
Lower iron is also associated with restless leg syndrome and febrile seizures, which are common in
children with ASD (Sherjil etal 2010; Fallah etal, 2014; Gillberg etal, 2017;
McCue etal, 2016; Hara 2007). Seizure rates were increased in children on soy
infant formula, presumably due to the lower iron content (81).
Iron deficiency is associated with a greater risk of headache, particularly if
blood pressure is elevated. Worryingly, iron deficiency is still be defined by
clinicians in term of iron deficiency anemia, and values of 12 or 15 ug/L
ferritin being commonly used to assign deficiency (84).
Thus, children who have many of the signs assigned to iron deficiency, such as
reduced cognition, developmental delay, depression, poor neuronal processing,
anxiety, migraine headaches, restless leg syndrome and febrile seizures, are not
being treated for iron deficiency due to clinicians sticking to archaic, anemia
defined, definitions of iron sufficiency. Our studies have shown reduced energy
production by aconitase and succinate dehydrogenase when serum ferritin levels
drop below 70 ug/L (85-88).
This reduced energy production can be seen by the massive increase in energy
lost in the form of citrate as iron (as measured by ferritin) levels drop. Our
studies have shown that as ferritin levels drop from 70 to 20 ug/L (seen not deemed as iron
deficient by most pathology labs) up to 9 times the amount of citrate is lost to
those who are iron replete. This means that effective energy consumption by the
brain will also drop. Such energy loss, if extrapolated "planet-wise" is
catastrophic environmentally. Despite these known benefits of diets replete in
iron, 15-42% of children are born iron deficient (Bastian etal, 2020), due
primarily to exceedingly poor dietary choices of the mothers. Iron deficiency has been shown to cause iron
deposition in white matter in the brain and in oligodendrocytes (mylein
producing cells). The dysregulation of iron metabolism ultimately leads to
neurological, behavioural and nociceptive impairments (100).
Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, changes in cognitive performance, emotions,
behavior, reduced exercise capacity, and myocardial functional and structural
changes (Fava etal, 2019; Jankowaska et al 2011). One of THE biggest problems in determining iron
deficiencies in the mothers revolves around the definition of iron deficiency.
Generally Iron deficiency has not been related to biochemical iron deficiency,
but rather to some arbitrary value correlating ferritin values with anaemia.
These arbitrary values vary greatly depending upon the country in which the
measurements are taken, and do not reflect various biochemical parameters whose
values measure markers of iron deficiency. Thus, Iron deficiency as judged by haematological
parameters occurs at around 15-20 ug/L ferritin in adults, however,
metabolically iron deficiency can be observed when ferritin values drop below 70
ug/L and evidence of altered cell metabolism occurs when ferritin drops below
100 ug/L. Further, there appears to be a general ignorance in the medical
profession of the role of iron in the body, and what effect lowered Haemoglobin
and haematocrit have on oxygen carrying capacity of the blood, nor the massive
reduction in energy seen in Krebs cycle as a result of decreased activity of the
enzyme aconitase, when ferritin levels drop below 60 ug/L. This observation
would support the contention of several workers that serum ferritin below 74
ug/L is indicative of abnormalities in neonatal recognition memory, in reflexes
and in the myelin-dependent speed of neuronal processing (Georgieff, 2017, Geng
etal, 2015; Armony-Sivanetal, 2004; Armin et al, 2010) Definitions of iron deficiency also vary from country to country,
with a cut-off for ferritin of 12 ug/L in Indonesia (Yusrawati etal, 2018), 12 ug/L in Brazil
(de Sa etal, 2015). In Saskatoon, the range is 5 to 70 ug/L, which would mean
that technically the vast population of this city is iron deficient.This is further complicated by the definitions associated
with iron deficiency such as levels of haemoglobin and haematocrit, both of
which are different from biochemical evidence of iron deficiency. Thus, iron
deficiency can be categorized into three main types, iron deficiency with
anaemia, which relates purely to the number of Red Blood Cells, biochemical iron
deficiency without anaemia, in which biochemical parameters of iron deficiency
can be measured, or iron sufficiency. Of these, iron sufficiency appears occur
above 70 ug/L ferritin. In certain countries and even in different states in the
US, Definition of iron sufficiency varies tremendously. Thus, in Texas Hb ranges
are 10.2-12.7 g/dl, and so the average person in the state is biochemically iron
deficient. NJ-USA 11.7-15.5 g/dl, AZ 12.0-16.9 g/dl. In the UK, in contrast the range is 12.0 - 15.0.
Ranges for ferritin are equally variable, with NJ USA 16-154 ng/ml, Hong Kong
21.8-274 ng/ml. A recent summary of guidelines for management of
iron deficiency, world-wide, recommended serum ferritin values should be above
100 ug/L (Peyrin-Biroulet etal, 2015; Fava etal; 2019). Low iron levels as
judged by low serum ferritin is associated with poor muscle tone. Low muscle-tone,
hypotonia, is very common in autism, and early diagnosis of autism should be
suspected in children with hypotonia, as early as "Hypotonia
is a recognizable marker of ASD and may serve as a "red flag" to prompt earlier
recognition and neurodevelopmental evaluation toward an autism diagnosis." (Gabis
etal 2021;
Lopez-Espejo, etal, 2021). Hypotonia is associated with decreased language
development and IQ in autism (Osljeskova etal, 2007;
Fillano etal, 2002). Hypotonia
is the result of reduced energy transfer in Krebs cycle and due to inefficiency
of the electron transport chain. The lower the iron, the lower the energy. The
lower the ferritin, the greater the hypotonia. Hypotonia is also very common in
Down Syndrome (Buterbaugh
etal, 2013) Cross-linking of
collagen involves the iron-sulphur proteins, lysyl hydroxylase and prolyl
hydroxylase, the functions of which are reduced in low serum ferritin
concentrations (Link). Loss of
cross-linking leads to hypermobility of joints, which is a common issue in
Autism (Casanova et al, 2020;
2018; Baeza-Velasco etal, 2020; Tedla etal, 2021;
Kindgren etal, 2021), and should also be a red flag for both low iron
and autism.
deficiency is extremely common in ASD and this needs to be addressed if the
child is going to have any chance of normal development. For neurotypically normal development
large quantities of iron are required for the process of myelination of the
brain and peripheral nervous system. Estimates are 7 mg/day for children 1 to 8
years old. This estimate is of bioavailable iron, NOT of iron in the supplement.
It is best to introduce iron containing meats, such as beef or chicken liver,
clams, mollusks or mussels or oysters >> beef, lamb goat, deer, bison, sardines
turkey, all of which have much higher iron contents than chicken or pork.
Non-meat sources of iron are extremely poorly absorbed, even despite this
studies have shown that
mg/kg/24 h ferrous sulphate when given orally is able to restore normal
nerve conduction velocities in children with iron deficiency (Kabakus etal,
recent study using oral iron-bisglycinate given at 3 mg/kg (90 mg/30 kg child)
resulted in a modest increase in serum ferritin from 20 ug/L to 40 ug/L after 45
days (Name etal, 2018), supporting the observations that oral absorption of non-heme
iron is very inefficient. One study suggested that there is actually more iron
that is available from the rusting of an iron pot than is available from cooking
non-heme foods. Studies on iron absorption from beans suggests that oral
bioavailabiity of iron may be as little as 0.4% (Junqueira-Franco etal, 2018).
Iron deficiency and Restless Leg Syndrome are also common in ADHD (Lopez etal,
Iron is involved in the function of the enzyme thyroid peroxidase, and as levels
of ferritin in serum drop, the activity of the enzyme becomes compromised and
levels of thyroid hormone drop with an accompanying rise in TSH (Eftekhari etal,
2006), potentially making individuals with low iron hypothyroidic (Veltri et al,
2016' Li etal, 2016; Tenq etal, 2018), which would result in functional B2
deficiency (Maldonado-Araque etal, 2018). This effect would be exacerbated in
pregnancy as levels of iron in the mother drop as they "feed" the foetus with
iron. Such hypothyroxinemia induced by iron deficiency would further impair normal brain
development (Hu etal, 2016). In this regard, "both perinatal hypothyroiximeia
and perinatal iron deficiency are associated with poor neurodevelopment in
offspring" (Hu et al 2016)Further, iron deficiency induced hypothyroidism
would result in functional vitamin B2 deficiency, which then results in
functional vitamin B12 deficiency.
Iron deficiency is extremely common in vegetarian adults, and amongst female
vegetarians, 12-79%, depending upon the study, where found to have exceedingly
low serum ferritin, <12 ug/L (Pawlak etal, 2016). Iron deficiency in
becoming increasingly common in women of reproductive age, and a recent study
identified iron deficiency to be common in Canada (Ave ferritin 36.9 ug/L) and
Malaysia (Ave Ferritin 38.4 ug/L) (Aljaadi etal, 2019). Children of mothers with
levels that low would be in grave danger of very low brain iron levels, and to
potentially have irreversible brain damage.
Studies carried out in Denmark by Milman and co-workers (2006) looked at iron
deficiency in pregnant mothers and came up with the following suggestions: "80-100
mg ferrous iron/day to women having ferritin < or =30 microg/l and 40 mg ferrous
iron/day to women having ferritin 31-70 mug/l. Iron deficiency in pregnancy is
often associated with restless leg syndrome and/or pre-eclampsia (Ramirez etal,
2013; Minar etal, 2017), The lower the Hb level, the more common the RLS (Minar
etal, 2017). According to Hunt (2003)"It is
suggested to admin 40 mg ferrous iron/day to women having ferritin < or =70 microg/l. Women
with ferritin >70 microg/l have no need for iron supplement." A
recent study in the UK reported that 46% of women were anemic at some point
during pregnancy (Benson etal, 2020). Despite this, the RACGP does not recommend
iron supplements in pregnancy - UNBELIEVABLE. (Iron availability from food sources has vastly different absorption
characteristics, thus heme-iron, such as that found in red meat, and seafood, is
much more efficiently absorbed than similar quantities of iron found in
vegetables, particularly those containing iron-complexing/chelating molecules
such as phytates. The data below is from a study comparing the uptake of iron
(Fe) from heme iron (open bars) to that from non-heme iron sources (closed bars)
(Hunt, 2003). During pregnancy, pregnant women need 27 mg of absorbed iron per
During pregnancy, there is a marked drop in ferritin levels in the mother, as
firstly her blood volume increases dramatically, and secondly, the foetus starts
to accumulate iron particularly in the third trimester. For this reason
determination of iron sufficiency is somewhat harder during pregnancy.
O'Brien and Ru, 2017
Besnon etal, 2021 Comparison of serum ferritin in supplemented (top line) and
non-supplemented mothers (bottom line)
Iron deficiency anemia is very common in pregnant women with approximately 25%
of women having iron deficiency anaemia during pregnancy. Despite this at
present routine administration of iron supplements in pregnancy is not
recommended in Australia, the UK, New Zealand and the US. This is almost
incredulous, particularly considering that iron deficiency is the second most
preventable cause of mental retardation in the world (Frayne and Pinchon, 2019} Mothers should
ensure iron sufficiency before they become pregnant with a minimum of 70 ug/L
ferritin being desirable. Supplementation of functionally B2 or B12 deficiency
with inorganic iron supplements such as Spatone having been found to be almost
Iron is required in several steps in the synthesis of vitamin D, and iron
deficiency has been associated with lower vitamin D levels (Sim etal, 2010;
Blanco-Rojo etal, 2013; Lee, etal, 2018;Liu, etal, 2015; Constantini,
etal 2010; Sharma, etal, 2015;
The majority of studies looking at iron deficiency in children and in autism
have now addressed the likely co-deficiency of vitamin B12, however, one could
assume that a diet low in iron would also be a diet low in vitamin B12.
Every child that we have data for who has autism is also deficient in active
vitamin B2 (FMN and FAD) and is deficient in active vitamin B12 (Adenosyl and
Methyl B12), these deficiencies also have to be addressed or the child will
potentially have a considerable developmental delay. Iron has a major
role in the conversion of energy generated from the
metabolism of fats, sugar and protein, and as iron levels drop (as measured by
serum ferritin), the energy conversion via the iron-sulpur enzyme aconitase
drops rapidly and there is an increased excretion of citrate in urine -
representing metabolic energy that cannot be processed. Iron deficiency in the
diet is an environmental disaster, as it represents a highly inefficient use of
consumed calories, with some children "wasting" upwards of 80% of consumed
calories. The corollary to this is that the highly energy dependent neurons in
the brain are effectively starved of energy as iron levels drop. This then
results in impaired mitochondrial respiration, lower intracellular ATP
production, and leads to chronic neuronal energy insufficiency (Raichle
and Gusnard, 2002), with a subsequent reduction in mitochondrial speed with
reduced hippocampal neuronal development (Bastian etal, 2019). Decreasing levels
of ferritin in serum have been correlated with higher levels of "wasted" citrate
in urine - Personal obvervations)
Relationship between serum ferritin (vertical axis) and urinary citrate
(horizontal axis).
Hence, from an energetic point of view lower iron means:
Lower oxygen carrying capacity of blood due to lower Haemoglobin
Lower intracellular oxygen capacity due to lower activity of myoglobin
Lower activity of the iron-sulphur protein, aconitase leading to massive energy
loss in the citric acid cycle.
Lower Electron Transport activity due to lower activity of iron-sulphur and heme
proteins in the Electron Transport Chain.
Copyright. The descriptions
and findings on iron and autism, is the property of B12
Oils Pty Ltd. Reproduction in whole or in part constitutes an infringement in
the Copyright law. Copyright infringement carries serious penalties.
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Copyright © 2018 B12 Oils. All Rights Reserved.
Iron Deficiency in Autism
Nutritional Sufficiency of Children
Role of iron in
brain development
Iron Deficiency in
the fetus
Iron Deficiency in
Delayed Chord Clamping
Function of Iron
in the body
Determination of Iron
Hypotonia in Autism
Hypermobility in Autism
Resolving Iron
Deficiency in Autism
Deficiency and altered Thyroid Function
Resolving Iron
Deficiency in Pregnant mothers
Iron Supplementation
in Pregnant mothers
Iron Deficiency and Vitamin D
Deficiencies in Autism
Energetics of Iron
Deficiency in Autism
an iron-fortified food. Eur. J. Nutr. 2013, 52, 695–703.
PMID: 30457722
PMID: 29385099
Clin Lab. 2020 Jun 1;66(6). doi: 10.7754/Clin.Lab.2019.190918.
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